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North West Counties Youth League switches to summer

North West Counties Youth League switches to summer

denise smith27 Jun 2011 - 19:48

The North West Counties Youth League has voted to move to a summer playing season and has agreed the terms of the historic switch with the RFL.

The Memorandum of Understanding sets out the basis upon which the League will co-operate with the RFL in order to manage its transition from a predominately winter-based season to a March to November season starting next year.

North West Counties Youth League Chairperson Hilary Steel MBE said: "There were pros and cons for both seasons, but overall the benefits to playing in the summer are more.

“Common sense tells us that young children would rather be outside in the summer, when they are not freezing or miserably wet. Even if it rains in the summer, the rain is warm.

“I believe that there are now no children under the age of 12 who play in the UK during the winter months. As these children grow up, they will, in the North West, be able to continue to play during the summer months, and this trend will surely continue through to open age.

“The committee of the new North West Counties Youth League is looking forward to seeing the numbers of players and teams increase and also watching games being played in the hopefully warm evenings when some teams will take advantage of the light nights to stage matches.

“The Memorandum of Understanding will allow the league to grow and expand with the help of the RFL and each league within the RFL will be following the same operational rules, thereby making governance and administration easier for all concerned."

The North West Counties Youth League - which has changed its name from North West Counties 16-18s Youth League - caters for all clubs in the North West who have teams playing at under-16, under-17 and under-18 level.

There are clubs involved from Cumbria (Askam) in the north and Warrington in the south to Oldham in the east and Blackpool in the west. In total the North West Counties Youth League has over 50 clubs and about 100 teams taking part in their league competitions.

David Gent, the RFL’s Director of Participation and Strategic Partnerships said: “We’re delighted that such a vibrant and successful competition has voted to make this switch.

“The RFL North West regional team have a fantastic working relationship with the league and we look forward to continuing to work closely with them to further strengthen and develop this competition in the future.”

The overriding aims of switching to a March to November playing season and agreeing the Memorandum of Understanding are to increase the number of individuals participating in Rugby League and to further develop strong clubs.

Additional aims are to improve the environment in which the game is played, to increase the profile of the sport and to give everyone the opportunity to achieve their potential.

These aims will be achieved through having a coordinated approach to a new competition framework and having an agreed playing calendar between March to November.

This co-ordinated approach also covers issues such as complying with RFL official rules and policies on issues such as safeguarding and respect, adopting competition rules as agreed by the leagues and having appropriately qualified coaches.

Twenty six clubs in the North West Counties Youth League voted in favour of switching to summer with eight clubs voting against and four absentees and the league therefore made the decision to switch en bloc to a March to November season.

There will be a short transition season before Christmas with the new season beginning in March 2012.

Further reading